斯坦福 编译原理 - COOL语法要点
运行- 使用官方的编译器编译运行:
coolc [ -o fileout ] file1.cl file2.cl ... filen.clspim [-file] file.s
语法参见COOL MANUAL官方文档。
Lexical Structure#
type identifiers[A-Z]letter*
object identifiers[a-z]letter*
special notationself, SELF_TYPE
strings\"(letter | \b | \t | \n | \f)*\"
- A string may not contain EOF.
- A string may not contain the null (character\0).
comments-- a single-line comment* multi-line comment*
keywordsclass, else, false, fi, if, in, inherits, isvoid, let, loop, pool, then, while, case, esac, new, of, not, true
- Except for the constants true and false, keywords are case insensitive.
- To conform to the rules for other objects, the first letter of true and false must be lowercase; the trailing letters may be upper or lower case.
white space- blank (ascii 32),
- \n (newline, ascii 10),
- \f (form feed, ascii 12),
- \r (carriage return, ascii 13),
- \t (tab, ascii 9),
- \v (vertical tab, ascii 11).