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🟡 剑指 Offer II 064. 神奇的字典

LeetCode 提示

题目难度 中等

原题链接 🔗 leetcode



class MagicDictionary {
    private HashSet<String> words;    private HashMap<String, Integer> neighs;
    /** Initialize your data structure here. */    public MagicDictionary() {        this.words = new HashSet<>();        this.neighs = new HashMap<String, Integer>();    }
    private String[] genNeighs(String word) {        int n = word.length();        String[] res = new String[n];        char[] chars = word.toCharArray();        for (int i=0; i<n; i+=1) {            char tmp = chars[i];            chars[i] = '*';            String nei = new String(chars);            chars[i] = tmp;            res[i] = nei;        }        return res;    }        public void buildDict(String[] dictionary) {        for (String word: dictionary) {            this.words.add(word);
            for (String nei: genNeighs(word)) {                this.neighs.put(nei, this.neighs.getOrDefault(nei, 0)+1);            }        }    }        public boolean search(String searchWord) {        int n = searchWord.length();        for (String myNei: genNeighs(searchWord)) {            int res = this.neighs.getOrDefault(myNei, 0);            if (res > 1 || res == 1 && !this.words.contains(searchWord)) {                return true;            }        }
        return false;    }}
/** * Your MagicDictionary object will be instantiated and called as such: * MagicDictionary obj = new MagicDictionary(); * obj.buildDict(dictionary); * boolean param_2 =; */



class MagicDictionary {    private HashSet<String> words;
    /** Initialize your data structure here. */    public MagicDictionary() {        this.words = new HashSet<>();    }        public void buildDict(String[] dictionary) {        for (String word: dictionary) {            this.words.add(word);        }    }
    private int diffs(String w1, String w2) {        int n1 = w1.length(), n2 = w2.length();        if (n1 != n2) {            return 2;        }        int cnt = 0;        for (int i=0; i<n1; i+=1) {            if (w1.charAt(i) != w2.charAt(i)) {                cnt += 1;                if (cnt > 1) {                    return 2;                }            }        }        return cnt;    }        public boolean search(String searchWord) {        for (String word: this.words) {            if (diffs(searchWord, word) == 1) {                return true;            }        }        return false;    }}
/** * Your MagicDictionary object will be instantiated and called as such: * MagicDictionary obj = new MagicDictionary(); * obj.buildDict(dictionary); * boolean param_2 =; */