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🟡 剑指 Offer 04. 二维数组中的查找

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# @lc id=240 lang=python3## [240] 搜索二维矩阵 II#
# @lc code=startclass Solution:    def searchMatrix(self, matrix: List[List[int]], target: int) -> bool:        y, x = 0, len(matrix[0])-1        while x >= 0 and y < len(matrix):            cur = matrix[y][x]            if target == cur:                return True            if target > cur:                y += 1            else:                x -= 1        return False

# @lc code=end

题解 x双重二分查找但不适用.py#

# ##tag#剑指offer#分治法##tagend### @lc id=240 lang=python3## [240] 搜索二维矩阵 II#
# 注意:双二分查找在这道题不适用# 因为每行头部并不保证比上一行尾部大# FIXME: 有没有这个解法适用的题目?
# @lc code=startclass Solution:    def searchMatrix(self, matrix: List[List[int]], target: int) -> bool:      def findInRow(idx: int):        row = matrix[idx]        left, right, mid = 0, len(row)-1, 0        while left <= right:          mid = (left+right)//2          if row[mid] == target:            return True          if row[mid] > target:            right = mid-1          else:            left = mid+1        return False            def findHeader():        headers = [row[0] for row in matrix]        left, right, mid = 0, len(headers), 0        if headers[0] > target:          return -1        while left < right:          mid = (left+right)//2          if headers[mid] == target:            return mid          if headers[mid] > target:            right = mid          else:            left = mid+1        return left            headerIdx = findHeader()      if headerIdx < 0:        return False      return findInRow(headerIdx)
# @lc code=end