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🟡 剑指 Offer 29. 顺时针打印矩阵

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题目难度 中等

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class Solution:    def spiralOrder(self, matrix: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:        curStep = 0 # 0右 1下 2左 3上        res = []        while len(matrix) and len(matrix[0]):            if curStep == 0:                res += matrix.pop(0)            elif curStep == 1:                for row in matrix:                    res.append(row.pop(-1))            elif curStep == 2:                res += matrix.pop(-1)[::-1]            elif curStep == 3:                for row in matrix[::-1]:                    res.append(row.pop(0))                        curStep = (curStep+1)%4                return res