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🟡 剑指 Offer 33. 二叉搜索树的后序遍历序列

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题目难度 中等

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题解 1_偷瞄了.py#

class Solution:    def verifyPostorder(self, postorder: List[int]) -> bool:        def order(l, r):            if l >= r:                return True            cur = l            while cur < r and postorder[cur] < postorder[r]:                cur += 1            suf = r            while suf >= 0 and postorder[suf] >= postorder[r]:                suf -= 1            if cur != suf+1:                return False            return order(l, suf) and order(cur, r-1)
        return order(0, len(postorder)-1)

题解 2遍历倒序抄的.py#

# 不太容易想到# 抄的题解:# Solution:    def verifyPostorder(self, postorder: List[int]) -> bool:        stack, root = [], float('inf')        for idx in range(len(postorder)-1, -1, -1):            if postorder[idx] > root:                return False            while stack and postorder[idx] < stack[-1]:                root = stack.pop(-1)            stack.append(postorder[idx])        return True