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🟢 剑指 Offer 67. 把字符串转换成整数

LeetCode 提示

题目难度 简单

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class Solution:    def strToInt(self, str: str) -> int:        idx = 0        minus = False        while idx < len(str) and str[idx] == ' ':            idx += 1        if idx >= len(str) or (str[idx] != '+' and str[idx] != '-') and (str[idx] < '0' or str[idx] > '9'):            return 0        if str[idx] == '-':            minus = True            idx += 1        elif str[idx] == '+':            idx += 1        num = 0        while idx < len(str):            if str[idx] >= '0' and str[idx] <= '9':                num = num*10 + ord(str[idx])-ord('0')            else:                break            idx += 1        return max(pow(-2, 31), -num) if minus else min(pow(2, 31)-1, num)