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🟡 剑指 Offer 38. 字符串的排列

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题目难度 中等

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class Solution:    def permutation(self, s: str) -> List[str]:        def dfs(slist: List[str]) -> List[str]:            if len(slist) == 1:                return slist            res = []            for idx in range(len(slist)):                if idx > 0 and slist[idx] == slist[idx-1]:                    continue                header = slist.pop(idx)                subRes = dfs(slist)                for r in subRes:                    res.append(''+header+r)                slist.insert(idx, header)            return res        clist = list(s)        clist.sort()        return dfs(clist)

题解 2_下一个排列.py#

# Solution:    def permutation(self, s: str) -> List[str]:        res = []        clist = list(s)        clist.sort()                res.append(''.join(clist))
        def nextPermution():            ll = len(clist)-2            while ll >= 0 and clist[ll] >= clist[ll+1]:                ll -= 1            if ll < 0:                return False            for rr in range(len(clist)-1, ll, -1):                if clist[rr] > clist[ll]:                    break            clist[ll], clist[rr] = clist[rr], clist[ll]
            ll, rr = ll+1, len(clist)-1            while ll < rr:                clist[ll], clist[rr] = clist[rr], clist[ll]                ll += 1                rr -= 1
            res.append(''.join(clist))            return True                while True:            nss = nextPermution()            if not nss:                break                return res